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gibbous moon and Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius. Unlike Mercury, which sets at or close to nightfall, the moon and Antares will stay out until the wee hours of the morning. • Antares: Heart of the Scoprion • At mid-northern latitudes, Mercury sets about one and one-half hours after sundown. At more northerly latitudes, Mercury sets sooner after the sun, and at more southerly latitudes, Mercury sets later after the sun. At middle latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Mercury sets a whopping two hours after sunset. • Setting times for the sun and Mercury in your sky • See if you can catch Mercury over the sunset point on the horizon an hour or so after sunset, as Mercury reaches its greatest eastern (evening) elongation, at nearly 26o from the sun. • All five visible planets in late June and early July 2012