(Continued from page 4)
• Rix also said the district would help with the proposed West Ditch project in Groton and the Putney Road Project near Putney. • "Money has been allocated for the West Ditch project from the James River Water Development District," Rix said. "We would give them an entity to work through. • The West Ditch project is on the south side of U.S. Highway 12 and runs south to Mud Creek. Because of weeds, mud and overgrowth, water doesn't properly flow from the ditch into Mud Creek, then to the James River. This has caused water to back up along the drainage ditch, causing problems for area farmers and residents. The stagnant water in the ditch sits on top of a Groton sanitary sewer, which has caused problems. The project should cost about $52,000, and the City of Groton requested $20,000 from the James River Water Development District to help with the work. • The new tax district would also work with the Army Corp of Engineers and the Rural Conservation Service among others. • According to Rix, the proposed budget for the district would be $60,000. This would result in an increase in taxes to landowners within the proposed area. The assessed taxes would amount to about $60 per quarter. The proposed area covers approx 160,000 acres and has a $200 million assessment. • Attending the hearing were the South Brown Conservation Board members Scott Sperry, Allen Ryckman, Lee Thompson and Randy Wiedebush, Chairman Dale Washnok arrived late. Area farmers that attended included Allan Zoellner, Marc Thompson, TJ Harder and Roger Rix . Kari Bartling was the attorney for the new district.
• -Char Telkamp