Sunday,  June 24, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 346 • 3 of 25 •  Other Editions

Groton Firemen answered the fire alarms at the Groton High School for the second time on  Saturday. The first alarm went off in the early morning hours, about 4 am, the second alarm went off in the afternoon about 2 O'clock. Both the Groton Fire Department and the Groton Police Department answered the alarms.

Firemen respond to False Alarms

• Answering a fire alarm is what fire fighters do, but when the alarm turns out to be a false alarm it can be frustrating. Now imagine having to answer two false alarm calls to the same place in the same day.
• The Groton High School has been plagued with a series of false fire alarms lately. The Groton Fire Department responded to two alarms on Saturday, one in the early morning hours and again in the afternoon. Both calls turned out to be false alarms. Each time the internal sensors think there is a fire, a signal is sent to the Brown County Dispatch, alerting them to the problem. Dispatch in turn, sends the notice to the fire fighters who have to respond to check why the alarm has gone off.
• It is believed that the false alarms are being set off as a result of rainwater leaking into the system.
• "We think there may be a leak in the roof," Groton School Superintendent Laura Schuster said. "It seems like when ever it rains, we get an alarm going off. The water is getting into the system some where."
• The school is tracking the problem and working with the alarm company to solve the problem.

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