Tuesday, June 19, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 341 • 3 of 38 • Other Editions
Robot Cleaner will be purchased for the pool
• A robot cleaner will be purchased for the Groton Swimming Pool. Paul Kosel came before the council to discuss the need of a different style of cleaner. There is lap swim in the morning followed by swimming lessons and as a result, there is no proper time to vacuum the pool on a required daily basis. It should take two hours to go through the whole
Paul Kosel, middle, talks about the robot cleaner for the swimming pool. On the left is Councilman Doug Hamilton and on the right is Councilman Scott Hanlon.
pool. • The robot cleaner has rubber tracks and sucks water through a filter at a rate of 4,500 gallons an hour. Phosphate in the pool is creating cloudy water conditions and the only way to get rid of it is to vacuum daily. • Associated Pool Builders has given the city a loaner to help get the water cleaner. The robot is placed in the pool when it closes for the day and it spends the night going back and forth in the bottom of the pool cleaning it.