U16 Boys Soccer Team wins Rapid City Tournament
The Groton U19 and U16 Boys Soccer teams played in the Midcontinent Recreational Soccer Cup Tournament in Rapid City on June 2-3, 2012. The U16 Groton boys team won the championship with four straight wins over teams from Sturgis, Yankton, and Rapid City
U16 Boys Games Groton 8, Yankton 0 Groton Goals: Asher Margolies from Miah Wills, Wills (2), Wills from Margolies, Margolies (PK), Michael Brick from Jacob Milbrandt, Brick from Chance Strom, Milbrandt Groton 5, Sturgis 0 Groton Goals: Michael Brick, Miah Wills from Jacob Milbrandt, Asher Margolies, James Thomposon from Brick, Thomposon from Margolies Groton 6, Rapid City 2 Groton Goals: Miah Wills, Michael Brick from Asher Margolies, Wills, Bryce Winther from Wills, Wills, Wills from Jacob Milbrandt Championship Game: Groton 5, Rapid City 3 Groton Goals: Michael Brick, Miah Wills from Asher Margolies, Wills from Chance Strom, Lucas Sternhagen (PK), Margolies (PK).