Saturday,  June 9, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 331 • 23 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 22)

Suspect in SD robbery attempts sentenced to prison

• RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) -- A man accused of trying to rob two Rapid City convenience stores on the same day has been ordered to serve four years in prison.
• Authorities say 26-year-old Robert White Plume Janis used an unloaded BB gun to rob one store of $240 and to try to rob a second store

on Jan. 13. He was arrested after a police chase in Nebraska five days later.
• Janis pleaded guilty last month to attempted robbery, and prosecutors dropped a separate robbery count. His sentence requires him to get treatment for alcohol addiction and medication for bipolar disorder.

Excerpts from recent South Dakota editorials
The Associated Press

• Rapid City Journal. June 7, 2012.
• Strengthen protection order legislation in state
• The tragic stabbing death of a young Rapid City woman is being used by her family and friends to strengthen what they say are ineffective protection order laws in South Dakota.
• Morgan Myers, 30, died after being attacked by a former boyfriend on April 27. Michael Andrew Young stabbed Myers in a public parking lot, despite the permanent

(Continued on page 24)

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