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the new jets. • The Block 40 jets are three to five years newer than the Block 30s. They have a strengthened and lengthened undercarriage, and even though they are heavier than the Block 30s, because the intake on their engines is wider than the intake on a Block 30 F-16, the Block 40 planes can generate greater thrust. • "It's always about thrust to weight," Walz said. • More important, the Block 40 and even newer Block 50 F-16s are the planes the Air Force will use as a bridge to the F-35. To even be considered for the new fighter, a Guard unit has to be flying at least Block 40 planes. Even this is no guarantee a unit's long-term fighter mission is assured, Walz said. • "The Air Force is going to take a certain number of 40s and 50s and upgrade