Tuesday, June 5, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 327 • 33 of 45 • Other Editions
(Continued from page 32)
make sure to have a filter, not your bare eyes. • • 7. SCHOOLS DON'T GIVE 'PINK SLIME' A PASSING GRADE • All but three states decide against ordering ground beef with the product known as "pink slime" for meals in the National School Lunch Program. • • 8. FATE OF CALIFORNIA GAY MARRIAGE CASE • A federal appeals court plans to announce if it will rehear a legal challenge to the state's same-sex marriage ban or send the landmark case to the U.S. Supreme Court. • • 9. CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES: QUEEN ELIZABETH II TO CAP JUBILEE WITH SPEECH
• The queen will make the rare address to the nation after a service of thanksgiving at St. Paul's Cathedral, a lunch in a medieval hall and a carriage procession back to Buckingham Palace. • • 10. PLAYER'S STRUGGLES FUEL STUDIES • Former NFL player George Koonce uses his own struggles - including depression and even a suicide attempt - to fuel a dissertation on the issues retired players face. He's going for a doctorate in philosophy at Marquette University. •