Bahr Family News
• On May 6 confirmation was held at St. John's Lutheran Church, Groton, among those confirmed were Steve Fey, Ferney. There was a dinner held at Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fey home in Ferney. Those attending were Hohn Clay and Kris Bahr, Mesa Arizonia, Marvin Bahr, Brookings; Alvin and Donna Bahr, Turton; Art Bahr, Steph and Nicole Fey, Ferney, Kris Bahr and Marvin Bahr are Steve's God parents. • On May 19 there was a high school graduation at Ipswich. Among those graduation was Ashley Bahr daughter of Dean and Tammy Bahr. There was a reception held at Dean Bahr home. Among those in attendance were Art Bahr, Ferney, Marvin Bahr , Brookings; Alvin and Donna Bahr, Turton; Marvin Bahr is Ashley's God father