Friday,  June 1, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 323 • 7 of 32 •  Other Editions

Groton School Help Wanted

The Groton Area School District is looking to fill the following vacancies for the 2012-2013 school year:  kindergarten para-professional, special needs para-professionals at the elem. and MS/HS, study hall supervisor, asst. VB, junior high VB, asst. boys' BB, junior high FB, and cheerleading advisor for FB & WR.  If interested in any of the vacancies, contact Laura Schuster, Supt., at 397-2351 or  Open until filled.  (EOE)

Larson Bridal Shower

Open House Bridal Shower honoring Nikki Larson, daughter of Mary Larson and Rod Larson will be held Saturday, June 2nd from 9:30a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Groton Catholic Church Hall. Nikki is the bride-to-be of Austin Swanhorst

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