Helmer Family News
Julia Wold, daughter of Dan and Cheryl (Helmer) Wold, of Carrington, ND., graduated with honors from Carrington High School on May 20. Attending were: LaVonne Helmer, Groton: Bruce and Pam Merkel, Andover; and Robert and Deb (Helmer) Utecht, of Naperville, Ill. LaVonne and Pam stayed overnight and toured a special farm garden and winery near Carrington on Monday. The Utechts spent the week with her mother and were joined on Wed. by Eric and Bradley Utecht. Eric is working on a doctorate in psychology in New York City and Brad is in transportation management in Mpls. They all left on Monday. Bob and Deb Utecht and their sons, Eric and Bradley, also visited their mother and grandmother, Vi Utecht of Aberdeen.