Sunday,  May 27, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 318 • 6 of 31 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 5)

will not have missed anything important, I am quite certain of this.
• In the meantime, the rest of us can just go on trying to make the US of A a little bit better. We can SMILE at one another and be friendly.  If we have a difference of opinion, we don't have to call each other names or dismiss a contrary idea as a poison injected into society.  Instead, we can talk, discuss, compromise and come to an agreement that is a better solution than either of us had in the first place.  It is a unique idea in the political atmosphere that has descended over the countryside; but it is worth a try.

Boomer Babble - "Thoughts at Large" are written by the Boomer Babble Guys, Charles Doug and John with occasional help from friends.  The Boomer Babble radio show is broadcast on WNAX 570 Sunday evenings at 5:00.  Visit us at

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