• An astronomy professor asked his class, "When can you see the farthest - at night or in the daytime?" • Unanimously, the class answered, "In the daytime." • "Wrong," corrected the teacher. "In the day time you see the sun. But at night you can see the stars and the stars are millions of times farther away than the sun." • What do you see when you look beyond the moment? It's something that many of us do. Sometimes it is to escape the present moment. Other times it is to dream dreams of how things might change within our families - whether better or worse. Perhaps we may want to get away from the moment and simply escape. • When King Uzziah died, Isaiah "saw the Lord sitting on a lofty throne." What he saw was his commission to be God's messenger to His people. For some that might have been a dream come true. Others may have seen it as a responsibility more than they could handle. Being God's messenger has always had its difficult moments. • But Isaiah's mission looked difficult from the beginning. He had to tell people who believed they were blessed by God that they were going to be destroyed by God because they were disobedient to Him. And his response? "I'll go. Send me! I'll do whatever You ask!" • Now, more that ever, we need Isaiah's view of God. He has called us to serve Him. We dare not fail! • Prayer: Grant us, Lord, a vision of Your greatness that matches Isaiah's and empower us to serve You at all costs. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Isaiah 6 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. (Read more...) •