United Methodist Women
Fifteen members of the Groton UMW gathered on May 16 as Clare Brotherton and Jolene Townsend presented a program entitled "Radical Hospitality." Its message was we sometimes have to get out of our comfort zone as we extent hospitality individually and as a unit. The Purpose was recited as President Gloria Pharis began the business meeting. Doris Zoellner was on hand to read devotions from Psalms which emphasized the beauty of God's handiwork. Doris noted that spring is a special time to appreciate that beauty. The minutes and financial reports were read and approved as wel l as correspondence. Old Business was a review of the Conde Friendship Night. Nine Groton UMW members attended enjoying the interesting program and the delicious salad luncheon which followed. The May Breakfast received many great reviews as well. During new business, no committee reports were given. The Goodwill Trailer will be located in the parking lot of the Emanuel Lutheran Church. Gloria Pharis gave a report on a program she had seen recently entitled "Sweet Dreams." It is associated with the Head Start program. It is something the UMW can consider later. The June 20th meeting will be held at 7.m. with either Carna Atherton-Pray on Women's Health Services or the "Sweet Dreams" program being presented. At the close of the meeting, a delicious lunch was served by Carol Strom and Jeanne Wanous. Hostesses for the June 20th meeting are Jane Johnson and Linda Thurston.