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• After working as a legal aid lawyer on the Rosebud Reservation, Bill came to Pierre. He joined the Attorney General's office and soon was elected Attorney General himself. Then, at the age of only 39, Bill was elected Governor. • People loved Bill because he always told it like it was. As he often said, "I may be wrong, but I'm never in doubt." And he got things done. Bill saved the state railroad system by purchasing the rails. He transformed the Sioux Falls economy by recruiting Citibank. He wired the schools for Internet access. And he was first on the scene when there was a tornado, fire, or flood. In the end, he was our governor for 16 years - twice as long as anyone else. • There were perhaps no two people who were more different that Bill Janklow and Jim Abdnor, in their personalities and their approaches to their jobs. It's probably no surprise that, for a brief time, they were even political opponents. But both of these men left an indelible mark on South Dakota - as "servant-leaders" in the truest sense of the word. And South Dakotans loved them both. • This Memorial Day, I hope you will take a moment to remember our two friends, Bill and Jim.