Thursday, May 24, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 315 • 6 of 35 • Other Editions
Garden Club News
The Groton Garden Club met at the home of Renee McKiver with Suzy McNamara assisting. Seven members answered roll call with a new plant they'd like to try. The group will plant the city Park Circle on June 4, at 5p.m. Members will Take turns monthly to chair the " Yard of the Week project. National Garden Club luck will be celebrated with a display at Wells Fargo with the theme"Plant a Seed to entire a Growing Gardence." All members are to bring potted transplants to give away. Next meeting will be June 18, at 5:30p.m. It will be held at the home of Linda Gengerke with each member bringing at least one guest for the potluck supper. Following the meeting Linda Gengerke gave the program on "Veronica" Janice Fliehs gave some gardening tips.
Wednesday morning fire alarm
The sirens sounded early Wednesday morning in Groton as part of a fire call. Mutual aid was needed for a slough fire near Columbia. Usually, when there is not enough response to the pagers, the sirens are sounded indicating the need for more firemen.