Thursday,  May 24, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 315 • 17 of 35 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 16)

in northwest North Dakota is now accused of killing her mother, brother and the mother's boyfriend, who were found dead the same day in mobile home across town.
• Omar Mohamed Kalmio, 27, who has a history of violent crime, was charged with murder several months after his infant daughter's mother, Sabrina Zephier, was found dead at her home in Minot in January 2011. The baby was found in the home unharmed.
• Court documents show prosecutors filed additional murder charges Friday, alleging Kalmio also was the gunman who killed 13-year-old Dylan Zephier, 38-year-old Jolene Zephier, and Jolene's 22-year-old boyfriend, Jeremy Longie.
• Multiple slayings are virtually unheard of in North Dakota, which had 10 murders and non-negligent homicides in all of 2010, according to data compiled by the FBI.

• Ward County State's Attorney Roza Larson declined to comment on specifics of the case Wednesday, but she cited the ongoing work by Minot police and the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Police also declined comment.
• "They have been working this case since the murders occurred and they have been putting in a lot of tireless hours," she said. "A lot of times when things take a while, people have the perception that investigators aren't doing anything. They truly have been doing

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