Fire hall building expansion is a no go
• After an initial search of available grants, it doesn't look like the Groton Fire District will be able to expand the current fire hall. The reason for this is that most grants are based on the criteria of small rural towns without the resources to build on their own. Unfortunately, Groton's income levels are far above the marks for such grants. • The research was done by the District's attorney, Kari Bartling. She said there was a good website for grants and would continue to look if the board wished. While the expansion of the building was an idea worth pursuing, the district has no intention of expanding at this time, the funding is just not available. • While building expansion is not an option, a new tender/pumper truck is not. The current truck is over 50 years old and is in bad shape. The board is looking into the specs of what the fire department needs in a new truck and has started some initial dialog with truck companies. The board also decided that the would no longer pay for a grant writer. The money would be used instead to pay in-house for the grant writing. The current company that writes the grants has been unsuccessful in six years to secure a grant. When the grants were written in-house, the fire department has been successful twice in securing grants. The grant the board is looking at for the new truck would come from FEMA. • Dale Ringgenberg reported that all the trucks have been through their yearly maintenance and are all in working order. They did find a problem with the number 8 engine, in that the second battery used to run the pump needs to be replaced each year. Ringgenberg suggested that a cable line with a shut off be run between the two batteries, that way the back battery will charge on the way to the call and save on having to replace the battery each year. A similar line is currently be used on other trucks and works great. The board approved the installation. • Fire Chief Dion Bahr was unable to attend so there was no chief's report, however, Ringgenberg gave the board an update on the recent training the Groton Firemen had. Poet recently had a two day training for grain rescue. The first day was for the employees of Poet and the second day was for Groton Fire Department, unfortunately few of the Groton Fireman took advantage of the training. Ringgenberg reported that the training was great, with lots of good information and hands-on-experience for this type of rescue. The Fire Board rewarded those firemen that attended the training by agreeing to pay the lunch bill for all attending. • Ringgenberg recommended that the district purchase at least four (4) sets of harness, in order to do this type of rescue. The district already has the lines and rescue (Continued on page 6)