Houston museum unveils $85 million dinosaur hall RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI,Associated Press
• HOUSTON (AP) -- Pups in her womb, a large eye visible behind the rib cage, one baby stuck in the birth canal, all fossilized in stone, modern-day evidence of how this ancient marine beast, the Ichthyosaur, died: in childbirth. • Jurassic Mom's almost certainly painful death is perfectly preserved in a rare fossil skeleton, one of the many unique items that will go on display in the Houston Museum of Natural Science's $85 million dinosaur hall when it opens to the public June 2. The Associated Press got a first peek at the exhibit as the finishing touches were
put in place. • Paleontologists and scientists at the museum and the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research in Hill City, S.D. have worked tirelessly for three years to collect, clean and preserve artifacts designed to give visitors a look at how life evolved beginning 25 billion years ago. • "You'll actually be able to touch a fossil that's 3.5 billion years old," Robert Bakker, the museum's (Continued on page 16)