Monday,  May 21, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 312 • 8 of 29 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 7)

Swan. If you look at the cross-like pattern indicated on the chart at the top of this post, you might be able to imagine Deneb as the point marking the short tail of a long-necked swan flying toward the south. This is how early Arabian stargazers saw it. The name Deneb comes from the Arabic and means tail, and in skylore Deneb is often said to be the Tail of the Swan. The little star Albireo marks the Swan's Head.
• But there's another way to see this pattern of stars that works equally well. In more modern skylore, this pattern is sometimes called the Northern Cross. It looks like a cross, right? If you prefer to see the Cross instead of the Swan, Deneb marks the head of the Cross. Cross or Swan … this is a lovely pattern to pick out on the sky's dome.
• Astronomers know that Deneb is one of the most distant stars we can see with the eye alone. The exact distance to Deneb can only be estimated, with estimates ranging from about 1,425 light-years to perhaps as much as 7,000 light-years. At any of these estimates distances, Deneb is one of the farthest stars the unaided human eye can see. It is so far, that the light that reaches the Earth today started on its journey well more than 1,000 years ago.
More about Deneb: Among most distant stars visible
• Bottom line: The star Deneb is part of the Summer Triangle asterism. And it's part of the constellation Cygnus the Swan, which can also be seen as a Cross. Look for the star Deneb tonight! At well over 1,000 light-years away, it's one of the most distant stars we can see with the eye alone.

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