Thursday, May 17, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 308 • 18 of 60 • Other Editions
Cheyenne Elizabeth Leonhardt - with Honor Career and Technical Education Scholar Award (2012); SD Regents Scholar Diploma; Principal's Four Year Honor Roll (2012); Groton FFA Alumni Scholarship; SD Opportunity Scholarship for Regents Scholars; SDSU Marv & Jodi Peterson Scholarship; Beck Memorial Scholarship; Simon Insurance and Auction Scholarship; Groton John Westby Memorial; Groton Edna Bugner Memorial Scholarship
Clay Richardf Wattier - with Honor SD Boys State Representative (2011); SD Regents Scholar Diploma; Principal's Four Year Honor Roll (2012); Mitchell Technical Institute Scholarship; Jerald W. Peterson Memorial Scholarship; SD Opportunity Scholarship for Regents Scholars; Groton Chamber of Commerce Scholarship; Jean Conley Brokaw Memorial Scholarship; Groton Edna Brugner Memorial Scholarship
Nora Rae Bunn - with Honor Career and Technical Education Scholar Award (2012); President's Award in Education (2012); SD Regents Scholar Diploma; NDSU Freshman Academic Award
Baily Jo Ringgenberg - with Honor SD Girls State Representative (2011); Career and Technical Education Scholar Award (2012); SD Regents Scholar Diploma; Principal's Four Year Honor Roll (2012); SDSU Yellow and Blue Scholarship; SD Opportunity Scholarship for Regents Scholars; Groton FFA Alumni Scholarship; Simon Insurance and Auction Scholarship