Thursday, May 17, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 308 • 13 of 60 • Other Editions
Erin Lynn Sternhagen - with Highest Honor Young Leader's Award (2010); Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Seminar (2010); SD Girls State Representative (2011); National Honor Society; National Honor Society GHS Award; Student of the Year (2011); national Merit Scholar Competition Semifinalist and Finalist (2012); Wendy's High School Heisman Groton School Winner (2011); Principal's Leadership Award (2012); Principal's Four Year Honor Roll (2012); President's Award in Education (2012); SD Regents Scholar Diploma; Principal's Student Service Award (2012); American Legion Citizenship Award (2012); Aberdeen Zonta Scholarship; USD Presidential Alumni Scholarship; USD National Merit Scholarship; USD Vocal Music Scholarship; James Valley Bob Peterson Memorial Scholarship; PEO International Star Scholarship; Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation Joe Foss Scholarship; Wyndham Worldwide Scholarship; Northern Plains Eye Foundation Health Care Scholarship; SD Opportunity Scholarship for Regents Scholars; Groton Cortland and Lois Kuehnert Trade/Technical/Science or Math Scholarship
Marah Jo Smith - with Highest Honor Young Leader's Award Luncheon (2010); SD Girls State Representative (2011); National Honor Society; National Honor Society GHS Award; US Department of Education Presidential Scholars Program Semifinalist; Career and Technical Education Scholar Award (2012); President's Award in Education (2012); Principal's Four Year Honor Roll (2012); SD Regents Scholar Diploma; Associated School Boards Governor's Academic Excellence Recognition; Principal's Student Service Award (2012); USD Sanford School of Medicine Alumni Student Scholar with Medical School Acceptance; Avera St. Luke's Auxiliary; Stratford Community Theatre; USD Valedictorian Scholarship; Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student; USD Presidential Alumni Scholarship; James Valley Bob Peterson Memorial Scholarship; Groton Area Hopps Dow; SD Opportunity Scholarship for Regents Scholars; FCCLA Service Award; SD Creativity Association Scholarship; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Knights of Columbus Scholarship; Groton John Westby Memorial; Groton Cortland and Lois Kuehnert Valedictorian Scholarship