tion to pick out in the sky. In Greek mythology, Corvus was seen as the cupbearer to Apollo, god of the sun. In ancient Israel, Corvus wasn't a crow. Instead, it was seen as a raven. In China, this grouping of stars had more distinction as an Imperial Chariot, riding on the wind. • Corvus is a friendly sight in the heavens. Along with all the stars, Corvus's stars will be found a bit farther west at nightfall in the coming weeks and months as Earth moves around the sun. Check it out now and watch for it in the next few months. The bright star Spica - near Corvus on our sky's dome - will always be there to guide your eye. • Bottom line: Use the star Spica - and in 2012 the planet Saturn - to introduce yourself to the constelaltion Corvus the Crow.