• Scott Thorson reported that there is an increased interest in the five-day trip to Washington, D.C., and New York City next year. He reported to the school board that originally, eight or nine students were interested in going. That number is now about 25. If there would be 35 going, the Groton group would have its own tour bus; otherwise, they would have to share a tour bus with another group. "There are a lot of benefits for this trip," Thorson said, "and it has educational value." Thorson's main emphasis was that all of the juniors could have the opportunity to go, not just a select group. This would not replace the prom. • The planned trip for next year is May 27-31, 2013. There would be a conflict with Boys and Girls State at that time. Other dates could be considered, but the board agreed that it should be outside the school year. The cost to go on the trip would be $1,800 with a $99 down payment required. Thorson said