nothing funny about carrying around extra weight. For some it's like having a monkey on their back, for me it's more like a gorilla. • Up to this point, my weight loss program has been a laughing matter. Little did I know my laughing was burning calories! • My exercise program has been a real joke, which may have done me good and I didn't know it. To be honest, my regimen has not produced the results I desired. • Just a few years ago, I exercised my right as an American citizen to vote for the president of my choice, which has been quite taxing on me, you can be sure. This kind of exercise takes more out of a person than realized at the time and must be good because I lost a great chunk of money in paying my taxes this year. • Every day I exercise my right to remain silent when the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage is giving me a piece of her mind. Although I have not lost any weight with this exercise, I haven't lost any arguments, either. Personally, I think it's a good trade-off. • Now, with this new information I shall change my whole approach to dieting. In