Giggle The Pounds Away With Laughtercise By Rev. James L. Snyder
• Finally, someone has come up with a weight loss program I can sink my teeth into without guilt. And, I say it's about time. I can't speak for anybody else, but I'm fed up with diet programs that simply beat me to death. • I'm tired of starving myself under the pretense of dieting, and exercising my body to the brink of absolute exhaustion. It's about time someone looked on the lighter side of dieting. • According to a study in Athens, Greece, scientists have found a good laugh is a calorie burner not to be ignored. You can be sure this gained my attention. • Some American researchers found that 10 to 15 minutes of genuine giggling can burn off the number of calories found in a medium square of chocolate. These scientists discovered a way to measure how many calories people burn when they laugh. • When I read this, I laughed for 39 minutes, allowing me to eat two medium squares of chocolate. At this rate, I'll be able to eat several pounds of chocolate a day. • Now that's what I call a diet. • According to their findings, the average person burns 20 percent more calories when laughing, compared to not laughing. If somebody laughs for 10 or 15 minutes a day they would burn up to 50 calories, depending on body size and the intensity of the laughter. • This means if I laughed for 10 to 15 minutes a day, I would burn enough calories (Continued on page 3)