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MS/HS secretary, and elementary secretary. Add two days to the school nurse's work agreement. 1 optional staff development opportunity per staff member w/administrative discretion. Organizational dues for TIE and ASCD. 1 morning of summer library at the elementary school. [Elementary PAC will also fund 1 morning of summer library at the elementary school.] 7. Review 2012-2013 preliminary budget of the Groton Area School District, as required by SDCL 13-11-12. 8. Review 2012-2013 preliminary budget of the North Central Special Education Cooperative, as required by SDLC 13-11-12. 9. Follow-Up discussion of ASBSD Spring Meeting attended by Dorene Nelson on May 1. 10. Review list of unwanted inventory items. Make motion to declare items as surplus property for disposal. [Mike Weber will provide an itemized list at the meeting on Monday night.] 11. Administrative Reports: (a) ASBSD May Board Report, (b) Update on Safe Routes to School Grant, (c) Update on Street Project, (d) Request to Plant Tree at FB Field in Memory of Darrel Sombke, (e) Principals' Reports
NEW BUSINESS: 1. Approve resignation of Karen Ibison as MS/HS special needs para-professional, effective at the end of the 2011-2012 school year. 2. Approve resignation of Kara Paulson as elementary special needs para-professional, effective at the end of the 2011-2012 school year. 3. Approve 2012-2013 signed auxiliary staff work agreements, with salaries to be published in July. 4. Authorize EideBailly to conduct FY '12 School District Audit. 5. Approve ASB Workers' Compensation Fund Participation Agreement for 2012-2013. 6. Approve ASB School District Benefits Fund Participation Agreement for Health Insurance for 2012-2013. 7. Approve hiring Duane Kavanaugh as head girls' soccer coach for 2012-2013 at 7% of base salary. 8. Approve hiring Mike Becker as head boys' soccer coach for 2012-2013 at 7% of base salary. 9. Cast ballot for SDHSAA Division I Representative Position. 10. Cast ballot for SDHSAA Proposed Amendment #1 - Transfer of Athletic Eligibility for SDHSAA Open Enrollment Students. 11. Executive Session
to discuss staffing for 2012-2013. 12. Other items, as may be appropriate or as deemed necessary. ADJOURN