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systems. They are seeing the value of biotechnology and the superior genetics we have developed in both our crops and livestock. • We were told time and time again, that "made in America" has tremendous value in China. • I am concerned that the very agriculture production systems that are proven and have evolved through science and research seem to have more value or are appreciated more by those that don't have food than those that do. • Walt
For Mother's Day, Discuss Mom's Financial Future By Jason Alderman
• On Mother's Day, children of all ages thank their moms for the many sacrifices made during their childhoods - and well beyond, considering how many adult children still hit up their moms for a loan or free babysitting. • Unfortunately, for many mothers sacrificing extends well beyond sleepless nights and boring recitals. Women frequently leave the workforce during prime earning years to care for families. Consequently, they often fall behind on pay increases and promotions, so their retirement accounts and Social Security benefits are usually much smaller than men's. Plus, women live an average five years longer than men so their already smaller income must stretch even further. • I'm not trying to bring everyone down, but rather to suggest that your best Mother's Day gift this year might be to initiate a frank discussion about your mom's personal finances and how she can better prepare for the future. Here are a few topics you might discuss: • Put retirement savings first. You can always borrow money to pay for college or a
house, but you can't get a loan to pay for retirement. If she's still working, make sure your mom is enrolled in a 401(k) plan or an IRA and saving as much as possible. • Social Security benefits. Even if your mother didn't pay into Social Security through work, she'll be eligible to collect benefits as long as her spouse did. And, if she qualifies under her own work re (Continued on page 4)