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Faye Bakker. The Rev. Billy Graham was featured in full-page newspaper ads backing the amendment. • Experts expect the measure to pass, despite the state's long history of moderate politics. • North Carolina law already bans gay marriage, but an amendment would effectively slam the door shut on same-sex marriages. • ___
Indiana's Lugar faces tea party opponent while Romney looks for delegates in 3 GOP primaries
• INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- The face of Indiana politics for nearly four decades, Republican Sen. Richard Lugar is battling for political survival against a tea party-backed GOP challenger who says the senator has become more interested in compromising with liberals in Washington than representing conservatives back home. • With Mitt Romney expected to coast to victory in three GOP presidential primaries, Lugar's re-election fight -- the toughest in his 36-year career -- is the highest-profile contest in four states with voting Tuesday. • Wisconsin Democrats were preparing to pick a candidate to run against Republican Gov. Scott Walker in just the third gubernatorial recall election in U.S. history. In North Carolina, voters were considering a referendum that would effectively ban same-sex marriages. • Although polls in Indiana signaled momentum for the challenger, Lugar hoped a heavy turnout would propel him to victory against Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock. • "If they come, we will win," Lugar said. • ___
Study: A teenage driver's risk of dying in a crash goes up sharply with other teens in the car
• WASHINGTON (AP) -- A teenage driver's risk of dying in an accident increases dramatically when there are other teens in the car, and plummets when there's an adult looking on, according to a study by AAA's safety foundation. • Researchers have long known that the presence of other teens is distracting to novice drivers, but most previous studies on the issue are more than a decade old and don't reflect changes in state driving laws that began in the mid-1990s. Since then, every state has adopted a "graduated licensing" law that places some restric (Continued on page 30)