City Council Meeting - City of Groton--Agenda May 7, 2012, 7 p.m.
1) Minutes 2) Financial Report 3) Bills 4) Sine Die 5) Convene 125th Council 6) Appoint Finance Officer, Police Chief, and Attorney 7) Election of Officers 8) Appoint Committees 9) Motion to approve bills each meeting & authorize the Finance Officer to pay payroll and all regular monthly bills in a timely manner to avoid penalties and take advantage of discounts. 10) Department Reports 11) Final Change Order&Final Completion-AP& Sons-West Ditch Sewer 12) 1st St Reconstruction Bids 13) Auth Opp to Code Enforcement School-Pierre-May 9-10 14) FO/Human Relations School - Pierre -June 7-10 -Anita 15) Water Dept Awards 16) Hwy 37 Reconstruction 2016 17) Pop Contract-Baseball Concessions 18) Visibility- Trees on Blvds 19) Library vs Reading Room 20) Accept Personal Manual Updates 21) Exe. Session - Legal Matters & Personnel AND Any other business that may come before the Council