(Continued from page 17)
• Several degrees and awards were given by advisor Adam Franken, as well as scholarships. • Chuck Padfield and Merle Harder were presented with an Honorary Chapter Degrees for all their work and assistance to the FFA Chapter. • First year members earned their Greenhand Degrees, they were Maryn Howard, Reilly Helmer, Conner Blumhardt, Sheldon Herr, Spencer Knecht and Tyler Wagner. • Second year members, Tyra Leonhardt, Joellen Gonsoir, Nathan Wright, Wyatt Sombke, Stephen Simon and Braden Miller, earned their Chapter Degrees. • Earning their State Degrees were Cheyenne Leonhardt, Ethan Sass and Taylor Leonhardt. • Taylor Leonhardt earned her State Proficiency Award in Horse Production, and Taylor and Cheyenne Leonhardt were state Star finalists. • Chapter Star awards were earned by Joellen Gonsoir in Ag Business, Sheldon Herr in Greenhand, Braden Miller in Farmer and Stephen Simon in Placement.
(Continued on page 19)