Saturday, May 5, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 296 • 16 of 58 • Other Editions
FFA holds annual awards banquet
• Groton's FFA Chapter held its annual banquet on Friday evening in the GHS gym and presented several awards to their members as well as installing the new 2012 officer team. • Speaking at the banquet was 2011-2012 State FFA Reporter Olivia Siglund, Webster. Siglund spoke about her experiences as a state officer and traveling to China with other state officers. She encouraged members to take a chance and take advantages of the opportunities FFA had to offer. • "Grow out of your comfort zone," Siglund said. "Have a blast and do something
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7388: Groton FFA Advisor Adam Franken introduced the 2011-2012-officer team to open the FFA Banquet on Friday evening.
7390: Groton FFA President Taylor Leonhardt welcomed everyone to the banquet and introduced the many guests.
7391: Wyatt Sombke, Groton Chapter Chaplain, gave the invocation at the start of the pork loin supper.