Tuesday, May 1, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 292 • 7 of 37 • Other Editions
(Continued from page 6)
or flower. Tulips were the winner. A letter was read from Glenda Heckenlaible asking for our vote on which butterfly we thought should represent the Rocky Mountain Region. The choices were monarch, Variegated Fritillary, Pearl Crescent, American painted Lady, or Red Admiral. We decided the Monarch was the most recognizable and our vote. Amanda Kittleson's Smokey Bear, Woodsy Owl poster also won first place on the regional level. We are so proud of her. Arbor Day was celebrated at the City Park, April 30. The group roll meet to clean the city park circle on the next nice day. Each member will ask a guest to our June meeting. Janice Fliehs gave her topic on using succulents and herbs on decorative containers for beauty in your home clean the air.
Art Gengerke is putting dirt in the hole while Janice Fliehs and Linda Gengerke are holding the tree. Also pictured on the left are Grace Albrecht and Renee McKiver. (Photo #7221 by Tina Kosel)
This evergreen tree was planted in memory of Darrel Sombke. Pictured left to right are Beverly Sombke, DeLores Kroll, Elda Stange, Pat Larson, Grace Albrecht, Renee McKiver, Janice Fliehs and Linda Gengerke. This tree is planted in the northwest corner of the park. Sombke said that people need to help replenish the trees in the city that have been dying from diseases. (Photo #7226 by Tina Kosel)