Sunday,  April 29, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 290 • 28 of 34 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 27)

and regional trouble spots, from the conflict in Syria to Iran's and North Korea's nuclear programs.
• Chen's case is likely to complicate things further. A campaigner against forced abortions and sterilizations, Chen spent four years in prison and then was kept in punitive house arrest for the past 20 months, despite the lack of legal grounds for doing so. Clinton and other U.S. officials have repeatedly raised his case, though Beijing did nothing to abate the confinement, occasional beatings and other harsh

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UN observers seeking to shore up shaky Syria cease-fire visit embattled neighborhood in Homs

• BEIRUT (AP) -- U.N. observers struggling to shore up a shaky cease-fire in Syria visited an embattled neighborhood in the central city of Homs Sunday, the Syrian state news agency said.
• SANA said the observers toured the Khaldiyeh district, which has seen heavy government shelling and clashes between Syrian forces and rebels.
• The team in Homs is part of an advance team of 15 U.N. monitors in Syria who are trying to salvage a peace plan brokered by special envoy Kofi Annan that aims to end the country's 13-month-old crisis. Under the plan, a cease-fire is supposed to lead to talks between President Bashar Assad and the opposition on a political solu

(Continued on page 29)

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