Wednesday,  April 25, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 286 • 28 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 27)

• In 2008, Obama had a 34-point advantage over Republican Sen. John McCain among voters under age 30. He won about two-thirds of the vote in that age group.
• But a new Harvard poll suggests the president may face a harder sales job with younger voters this time around. Obama led Romney by 12 points among those ages 18-24, according to the survey. Among those in the 25-29 age group, Obama held a 23-point advantage.
• It's an opening Republicans hope to exploit by focusing on young people's disillusionment with the candidate who promised

"hope" and "change."
• "I think young voters in this country have to vote for me if they're really thinking about what's in the best interest of their country and what's in their personal best interest," Romney said Monday in Pennsylvania after announcing his support for an effort Obama is pushing to keep the interest rate on federal student loans from doubling in July. Obama is visiting college campuses in key states this week to rally students around the proposal.
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Discovery of mad cow at Calif. rendering plant was due to luck and random USDA testing

• HANFORD, Calif. (AP) -- A non-descript building in the heart of California's dairy country has become the focus of intense scrutiny now that mad cow disease has

(Continued on page 29)

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