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old Devon Philips pleaded guilty Monday to an indictment that charged them with conspiracy to obtain a prohibited object. It could add up to six months to their sentences. • Johnson says Tucker and Philips formed an agreement to smuggle tobacco into the Yankton Federal Prison Camp in Yankton. On Aug. 28, they jumped the prison camp's fence, retrieved the tobacco from a prearranged location and brought it back in. • Sentencing is set for June 11.
AP News in Brief With arrest of former BP engineer, US government shows hand in Gulf of Mexico oil spill case
• NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- By arresting a former BP engineer Tuesday, federal prosecutors for the first time showed their hand in the Gulf oil spill case, saying they were probing whether BP PLC and its employees broke the law by intentionally lowballing how much oil was spewing from its out-of-control well. • Two years and four days after the drilling-rig explosion that set off the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, Kurt Mix, 50, of Katy, Texas, was arrested Tuesday and charged with two counts of obstruction of justice for allegedly deleting about 300 text messages that indicated the blown-out well was spewing far more crude than the company was telling the public at the time.
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