Wednesday, April 25, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 286 • 16 of 33 • Other Editions
SD agency creates videos on jobless benefit rules
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation has put two videos on the Internet to help people understand how to comply with rules for claiming unemployment insurance benefits. • One video provides guidance on how to properly file an unemployment insurance claim. The second features tips on preventing fraud in the program. • State Labor Secretary Pam Roberts says the videos are part of an effort to educate those claiming benefits and to save money for employers who pay into the unemployment insurance fund. She says the overall goal is to reduce improper unem
ployment benefit payments. • Roberts says department investigations last year discovered 3,347 overpayments totaling $1.8 million. • The videos are available at •