01-16-18 Joint

Brown County

Jan. 16, 2018

Joint Minutes


The Brown County Commission and the Aberdeen City Council met in joint session at 5:30 P.M. in the Aberdeen City Council Chambers, 123 S Lincoln Street, Aberdeen, SD.  Present from City were Council Members Bunsness, Johnson, Lunzman, Olson, Ronayne and Slaight-Hansen.  Council Members Remily, Rux and Mayor Levsen were absent.  Present from County were Commissioners Sutton, Hansen and Kippley.   Commissioners Fischbach and Fjeldheim were absent.

ORDINANCE #18-01-01 /473:

On motion by Bunsness and seconded by Olson, the City unanimously voted to adopt Ordinance #18-01-01 /473, as amended.

Moved by Sutton, seconded by Hansen to adopt Ordinance #18-01-01/473, as amended, An Ordinance to amend Section 48-127(5) of Chapter 48 – Subdivision, incorporating Chapter 46, Article II-Sidewalks of the City Code to require sidewalks on certain real estate where sidewalks do not exist upon the public right-of-way immediately adjacent to the real estate.  Roll call vote: Commissioners Hansen-aye, Sutton-aye, Fischbach-absent, Kippley-aye, Fjeldheim-absent.  Ordinance adopted.


Moved by Hansen, seconded by Sutton to adjourn the Brown County Commission.  All members present voting aye.  Motion carried. 

Maxine Fischer, Brown County Auditor

Published once at the total approximate cost of $14.45. 15318